Well the sparky has been and started changing old plug sockets, light switches and pendent lights for new ones and will be back tomorrow or Friday. He is great, works hard and cleans up after himself. The new alarm will be going in when the sparky comes back.
On the kitchen front, still can't decide between the green or the blue but at least Husband and I have made a decision on knocking the dividing wall down between the kitchen and dining room. We will knock it down to increase the floor space in the kitchen and be able to have an American fridge/freezer and an island/breakfast bar.
We have another kitchen man coming to the house tonight to measure up and show us his products.
The new french doors have been measured up and ordered. We are changing a big window in the dining room to french doors which will look great when we knock through into the kitchen. This will become our back door on to the garden.
Well, we were invited to the parish/village meeting on Monday night, it certainly was an eye opener! A little bit like the Vicar of Dibley with strange and odd village folk attending. One man complained about tractors coming through the village and spoiling the grass verge when having to get over to let cars past. An older feisty lady quite rightly told him that it was a farming village that we lived in and tractors are part and parcel of living here.
We have agreed on a village work day to clean up the area around the dyke which will probably be very interesting.
The house phone line should be going in tomorrow and I will be up and running on my own laptop again, and be able to dial out without losing my mobile signal half way through a conversation.
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